Error reporting

Error Reporting

Error reporting is the process of identifying, tracking, and logging errors that happen in a system, app, or website. It helps teams find out when something is broken or not working correctly so they can fix it quickly. Good error reporting makes it easier to spot problems before they affect too many users.

Why it’s important for your business

Without error reporting, small technical issues can go unnoticed until they turn into big problems that frustrate customers and hurt your business. Tracking errors helps teams fix bugs faster, improve reliability, and create a smoother experience for users. It also reduces downtime, which keeps customers happy and prevents lost revenue.


1. E-commerce: An online store’s checkout page has an error causing failed payments. Error reporting alerts the team so they can fix it before customers leave and sales are lost.
2. Finance: A banking app detects a login issue affecting some users. Error reports show the problem in real time, helping developers quickly patch the bug to restore access.
3. Food Delivery: A food delivery app notices that users can’t update their addresses. Thanks to error reporting, the team fixes the issue before too many customers are affected.

Good error reporting helps businesses catch and fix problems fast, keeping customers happy and things running smoothly.

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